The Claflin Family Association is comprised of descendants of Robert MacLachlan (Mackclothlan), settled in Wenham, MA in 1661 and their families.
Members of the Association are: 1. Persons who were members of the Association on the date of the adoption of this bylaw revision (2009); 2) Persons who are lineal descendants of the Robert MacLachlan who was accepted as a townsman in Wenham, Massachusetts in 1661, their spouses, widows, and widowers; and 3) Others with an interest in or a connection to the Claflin Family, upon approval of their application for membership, made in writing to the Secretary and stating their interest in or connection to the Claflin Family.
The mission of the Claflin Family Association is to hold annual reunions, promote friendships among our members, inform members about the genealogy and history of the Claflin Family in America since 1650, inform members about our Scottish heritage and Clan MacLachlan, and make funds available for the advancement of education, public health, and historic preservation.
An Association of decendants of Robert Mackclothlan who settled in Wenham, Masssachusetts in the 1660’s. It is believed that Robert Mackclothlan, a Scot, was captured at the Battle of Dunbar by the English and brought to America as a prisoner in 1651.
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